6th Mandarin Assignment

6th Class Name & Information

Ms. Chuang's 6th Mandarin RLA【Cohort A】

Class Code: 462.CLA-03

Day & Block:  Monday (A) Tuesday (B) Thursday (B) & Monday (J) 

Name: 中文一 熊猫班 (xióng māo bān) 6th Mandarin Panda

Ms. Chuang's 6th Mandarin RLA【Cohort B】

Class Code: 462.CLA-04

Day & Block: Monday (F) Tuesday (G) Thursday (G) & Monday (E) 

Name: 中文一 龙凤班 (lóng fèng bān) 6th Mandarin Dragon Phenix

Zoom Expectations

Please check your Google classroom for specific Zoom information.


12 Most Common Chinese Punctuation

Here is the list of the Chinese punctuations that we will introduce in this article.
  • Full Stop 句号 (Jùhào)
  • Comma 逗号 (Dòuhào)
  • Enumeration comma 顿号 (Dùnhào)
  • Quotation mark 引号 (Yǐnhào)
  • Enumeration comma 顿号 (Dùnhào)
  • Colon 冒号 (Màohào)
  • Question mark 问号 (Wènhào)
  • Semicolon 分号 (Fēnhào)
  • Parentheses 括号 (Guāhào)
  • Title mark 书名号 (Shūmínghào)
  • Ellipsis 省略号(Shěnglüèhào)
  • Middle dot 间隔号 (Jiàngé hào)